This ongoing series of micro-events hosted in people's homes will celebrate the home as a place of action. Each event will bring together new groups of people, creating spaces to engage with contemporary arts practices, through workshops, making, film screenings and shared spaces for conversation.
We want our programme of Home Actions to build relationships with the places where people live, and explore the intersections between communities, homes and ecologies. It will bring together artists and residents in the space of someone’s home through issues of shared interest, and create a discursive space for artists and the public.
All Home Actions are free but places are limited because they are hosted in peoples homes.Booking is essential. They can be booked through Eventbrite using the links below
Offshore film screening
@Whitley Bay Big Local

Offshore is an independent documentary that brings together varying perspectives on working in offshore oil and gas and renewable energy - and explores what the coming energy transition means for workers and communities around the UK North Sea.
The film looks at how communities and regions have been impacted by past industrial decline, the risks workers face in an increasingly precarious industry and how they can organise for the future.
The climate crisis means we must rethink our energy systems: where we get energy from, how it's produced and who benefits from it. Workforces and communities all over the UK will be impacted by the energy transition and have the potential to benefit from more publicly owned, local and renewable energy.
For more information about the film and to see a trailer visit:
https://offshorefilm.orgOffshore was commissioned by Platform London And supported by Friends of the Earth Scotland
Making Kombucha: from food waste to bio-leather
with Roxana Caplan

Come and learn how you could use food waste to make Kombucha and grow your own bio leather material. Roxana invites everyone to take part in the process of making kombucha batch from seasonal food wastes or surplus, and shares her experiences of testing working recipes and the bio-material outcomes from her research with the Hub for Biotechnology and the Built Environment at Newcastle University.
Writing the Sea
with Martha Lane

Right there, on our doorstep, is an endless source of inspiration. Stormy, calm, murky or clear - explore the ocean as a living, churning idea machine with local writer Martha Lane.
Tea Universe
8 October
with Giles Bailey

I am terrified by the beautiful things that are going to be created. Giles Bailey 2022. Photography by Martin La Roche
A practical workshop, led by artist Giles Bailey, that looked at links between performance-making and domestic rituals, guiding participants though the process of writing their own performance scores.
Slowly Stitching for Change
24 October
with Rosie Stronach

Slowly Stitching for Change was an evening to re-examine activism through mindful craft with local artist and environmental activist Rosie Stronach
Tiny Zines, Big Ideas!
1 October
with Melody Sproates

Artist & Zine-Maker Melody Sproates led a session of creative, collaborative, experimentation in Zines. Exploring themes of activism, passions and issues that are important to peopel living in WHitley Bay.
Clothes as Living Landscape
21 September
with Laura Harrington

Artist Laura Harrington and ecologist/ethnobiologist Meredith Root-Bernstein explored and unpicked a hosts’ wardrobe of clothes. Through exploring these items together we will found out about landscapes, past lives, climates, memories and experiences.
Making Colour from the Garden: A Beginners Guide
30 August
with Marjolaine Ryley and Ana Margarida Araujo

Artists Marjolaine Ryley and Ana Margarida Araujo led an introductory workshop in making botanical inks, photo emulsions and using plants for contact printing to create eco-prints, hosted in a garden in Whitley Bay
13 August
with Sneha, Rasa and Sona Solanki

Participants joined Sneha, Rasa and Sona Solanki on a foraging walk around Whitley Bay to ‘search’ and ‘gather’ wild or non-cultivated plants and fungus around Whitley Bay.